Infant Development

Ages 0-3

The Infant Development Program (IDP) is a home-based service for infants 0 – 3 with a developmental delay, a diagnosed disability or who are at risk for developmental delay. A family-centered service is used to encourage positive parent child interactions and to facilitate the child’s progress. To foster secure attachment and developmental accomplishment, parents are supported in recognizing their infant’s cues and responding in ways that promote a sense of security in their infant. Starbright staff support parents in optimizing their child’s development and accessing community resources.

Refer Your Child Family Reference Guide

Inclusive Childcare Program

Birth to school-entry eligibility

The Inclusive Childcare Program Program (ICP) is intended for children who require extra support to be included in a community early learning or child care centre. To receive this support, the completion of a Support Guide and evidence of a developmental delay or disability in physical, cognitive, communicative or social/emotional/behavioral areas is required. Inclusive community child care settings can include group daycare programs, preschool programs and family daycare homes.

This Program:
  • Assists families in finding child care settings.
  • Monitors child’s participation and consults as needed to help facilitate child’s inclusion.
  • Coordinates and consults with parents, child care staff and team members to develop individual program plans.
Extra supports might also include:
  • Child specific training
  • Extra staffing
  • Assessment, and training and support for community child care staff.

In any given year, the ICP Program will work with well over 100 families whose children will be eligible to receive our services to support their child’s participation in the community family daycare, preschool, and/or group daycare.

Family Engagement Support

Birth to school-entry eligibility

The Family Engagement Coordinator connects with families who are already receiving services at our agency and informs them about available resources in the community. Families are assisted in completing necessary paperwork, such as intake and funding forms, or in preparing for meetings specific to their needs. By using a culturally safe approach, and in collaboration with other community partners, the Family Engagement Coordinator promotes inclusive connections to services in ways that are purposeful and designed to meet the family’s needs.